1. Basic AMG Package (30min)*
1.1: AMG Instrument Cluster Super Sport Mode with 330kmh top speed (Engine Oil /Gear Box oil Temperature etc)
1.2: AMG goodbye animation in instrument Cluster
1.3: Engine Data Menu: Dynamic Torque and Power
1.3: MBUX: AMG Startup animation and logo
2. AMG Premium Package (4-5h)
2.1: AMG car image in MBUX
2.2: AMG Car image in Instrument Cluster
2.3: Performance Menu in MBUX
2.4: AMG Style Driving Mode menu in MBUX
2.5: AMG Engine and IWC Clock in MBUX
2.6: AMG Welcome / Farewell Projection **
2.7: AMG Style Sound Experience **
* MBUX Firmware Version dependent (How to check MBUX firmware version: Setting, info, system info)
** Car Model and Spec dependent